DevDays Europe 2020
DevDays Europe 2020

DevDays Europe 2019


May 14-16, 2019

Andy Davies

Reaktor, Finland


Andy is a software developer working at Reaktor. He likes talking about Strong Typing, EventSourcing, Continuous Delivery, Architecture, and Immutable Infrastructure. He particularly enjoys making other developers lives easier and automates pretty much anything he touches. He blogs at, and sometimes streams software development on


Feature Toggles: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Feature toggles are a great asset to your development workflow – they make experimentation and incremental changes easier, and help push features through faster. But there are potential problems: old flags, unused flags, or worse, re-used flags can come and bite you when you are least expecting it.

This talk will cover how to use feature toggles effectively, cover some of the horror stories, how the horrors can be avoided, and how to deal with them if they do occur. Examples in C#, but applicable everywhere.

Session Keywords

War Stories
Continuous Delivery