DevDays Europe 2019
May 14-16, 2019

Denis Hamann
Netlight Consulting, Germany
Denis is a technical consultant with a broad experience of IT- and implementation projects in the private sector. He has a master degree in information systems and is interested in dissecting systems to their inner core. Having worked on an own startup and in multiple companies in the mobile area he got more and more interested in mobile security and its implications on his own software.
All your money belongs to us (me)
All your money belongs to us (me) – In this talk, we’ll take a look at current (banking) “hacks” and demo our very own mobile hack.
There has been a surge in news articles about hacked and unsafe banking applications in the last months. During the last project at a client I had to switch sides and come up with various ways to hack our mobile app. This talk showcases how easy it is to create a “hype” hack.
Afterwards we’ll reflect on the impact level of those hacks and follow up actions.
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