DevDays Europe 2019
May 14-16, 2019

Loek Duys
Xpirit, Netherlands
Loek is a Cloud Architect at Xpirit and a Microsoft Azure MVP. He helps companies to make their transition to the Cloud as efficient as possible; from strategy to implementation. As an active member of open source projects, forums and as international speaker, he loves to exchange knowledge with other community members.
Running a DevOps Style Production Docker Cluster Using the Microsoft Platform
Getting your .NET Core application to run in a Docker cluster is only the beginning of a journey. It takes more to build and run your application in Azure using DevOps practices. In this session we will show you how we created a mission critical .NET Core application in a Kubernetes cluster in Azure using Visual Studio 2017 and Visual Studio Team Services. You will learn how to design your .NET application architecture to run on Azure, which software patterns to implement for environment flexibility, how to build Continuous Integration and Deployment pipelines for zero-downtime, provision your Infrastructure declaratively using ARM templates and what to do to integrate metrics and instrumentation in your application for real-time monitoring. We will share our lessons learned, so you can get a jump-start running your own application in a similar way.
Session Keywords

Doing Docker DevOps Style
This training introduces you to Docker and container technology for DevOps teams. We will show you how to apply DevOps practices to cloud-based container solutions, complete with hands-on exercises. The training uses Microsoft tooling and technology, but the skills you will learn can be applied in any technology stack. After the workshop you will be able to do Docker DevOps style.