DevDays Europe 2019
May 14-16, 2019

Joop Lammerts
Procurios, Netherlands
Joop Lammerts has done web development since the beginning of 2.0. After working in solitude for ages he now found himself surrounded by enthusiastic colleagues. Domain Driven Design, Test Driven development and team dynamics are some subjects you can learn about by attending Joop’s talks.
Joop is a typical “home schooled”developer. But it is impossible to work on complex domain models on your own. So he looked for place where he can learn, but still commit to my “no nonsense – it works doesn’t it” approach. He now works with business owners and domain experts on a day to day basis to create happiness among their clients.
Previously he’s been a youth social worker. So he has a great knowledge and experience in the field about group dynamics and working together as a team. He would like to share all his lessons learned with you!.
Microservices within a Monolith
Microservices are hot. But what if you have legacy and implementing microservices is nearly impossible. Is this the end of the world? Does this mean you are doomed? No, you can have the best of both worlds.
Our legacy Procurios monolith is 15 years old. Today, we find the costs of splitting that codebase into services too high. And to be completely honest; we benefit too much.
With event sourcing, discipline and hard work we have both the benefits of services and of our big pile of clean code. So let Joop tell you how you can build independent, mutually unaware applications. On top of that, Joop will share some secret monolith benefits…
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