DevDays Europe 2019
May 14-16, 2019

Arvid Torset
Seniordev, Norway

Tatiana Kolesnikova
Seniordev, Norway
About Arvid Torset
Arvid has always been working at intersection of business and development. Beginning with an IoT startup back in 2000-s he has subsequently worked with innovative projects in widely diverse domains and technologies. Now in his job of a technical architect and business analyst he facilitates defining product strategy, selects technologies that are suitable for a particular business problem and assembles development teams.
His rich experience showed that to work in innovative environment you need a special process that is flexible and adaptive to constant changes, the process that is based on lean thinking not only in business, but also in design and development. He works on introducing this process both in start-ups and in established projects.
About Tatiana Kolesnikova
UX designer with academic background in both IT and design, Tatiana’s main role is to bridge the gap between these two disciplines. She has extensive working experience in information architecture, usability analysis and full range UX and UI design both in-house and as an external consultant. Working as a design lead Tatiana kick starts about half a dozen projects every year and it is her own most urgent need to make the processes as efficient as possible. Curious by nature, she gets inspired by most cutting edge ideas and methodologies around design and development and challenges herself to apply them in her everyday work. The results she shares with the community at tech and design conferences.
Styleguide-Driven Development
Design system – it is a buzzword for many, a goal for some, but a reality for very few. Why? Because a real design system is not just creating a UI kit and a component library. It is changing the way interface is architectured, way the front end code is organised and – most important – how teams collaborate. It can even affect back end architecture. Sounds like a huge task?
In this talk we will show how to set the process right: what changes should be made in the workflow, the responsibilities, the tools the team is using and in the mindset of its members. We will discuss how to introduce living styleguide-driven approach in an existing product and how to start with it from scratch. When and how should the team jump into it? Should it be done straight away, at the very start of the project? Is it too late when the product is already live? What to start with if it is redesign? And probably most difficult – how to sell this idea to the team and the product owners?
In this presentation you will learn:
- What changes must be made in the team and the development process and how to minimise them;
- How transition to SDD for an existing project differs from starting from scratch and why it matters;
- Is it worth the effort: what value it brings to the team and to the product.
Session Keywords