DevDays Europe 2022

Company: Miles AS
Country: Norway
Håkan holds a Master of Science degree in Electrical Engineering and in addition, he holds a Master’s degree in Leadership and Organizational behavior. He has also taken courses on university level in psychology, interaction design, and human-computer interaction. He has 20 years of experience in software development in various positions such as developer, tester, architect, project manager, scrum master, practice manager, and team lead.
Håkan is Chairman of the local chapter of the Norwegian .NET User Group Oslo (NNUG) and is active as an Ambassador for Oslo.AI the local chapter for the global City.AI community. In addition, he is the co-founder of AI42, an online school for learning about AI and Data Science, and the Azure User Group Sweden, a meetup focused on Azure.
Håkan is a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) in AI and a Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT).
Currently, Håkan is working as Manager AI and Big Data at Miles AS, a Norwegian consultancy company.
Machine Learning in the Browser With TensorFlow.js
In order to start out with machine learning, you typically would need to learn Python, Tensorflow, Jupyter Notebook etc. But what if you could run your machine learning straight in the browser. This can be done through Tensorflow.js. In this session, you will get an introduction so that you can use it in your own projects.
This session will give you an introduction to what Machine learning is and what types of problems you can solve. TensorFlow as a library will be introduced and then TensorFlow.js will be presented with a focus on how you can use a machine learning model in your JavaScript application.
Next, we will build an image classification web app that uses a predefined TensorFlow model.
Finally, some examples of how TensorFlow.js is used in commercial applications will be given.
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