DevDays Europe 2022

Company: MongoDB
Country: Spain
Jorge is a mobile developer advocate working at MongoDB. He focuses on mobile development, security, and systems architecture. As a developer, he started working for the M.I.T. in 1993 and he has collaborated on many software projects since. Most of them were internally for HP, where he worked for more than 15 years. Since 2008 he has been working in different aspects of mobile development. After playing with PalmOS, he learned Android programming for the first Android Developer Challenge and right away started to play with the first iPhone SDK. He was an instructor for some of the best iOS and Android Bootcamps in the U.S.A. and Europe. He occasionally delivers mobile and microservices courses, training individual developers and the teams of some of the biggest companies worldwide.
Bits and Pieces of a Great Architecture
In this talk, Jorge will give a very brief overview of the main pieces of great architecture for iOS applications that use SwiftUI, explaining how to split your code when you use the MVVM architectural design pattern. Then he will focus on 3 pieces that he believes can improve your architecture, explaining how and when they can be implemented. The three pieces are:
– Other logic: like presentation logic, and how to define it and reuse it.
– Use cases: what are they, how to inject them using factories, and how to make them asynchronous.
– Connectors: How they improve navigation and dependency injection, how to make them lazy in SwiftUI, how to do A-B testing.
Key takeaways are:
– Architecture overview and clear guidelines on how to apply it.
– Understand how to implement use cases and use case factories, even async ones.
– Understand how to implement navigation and dependency injection in SwiftUI using connectors.
– Learn about non-domain logic and how and where to implement it.
Session Keywords
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