DevDays Europe 2022

Company: House of Test
Country: Switzerland
Simon is a Test Automation Engineer by day and a Junior iOS Developer by night. Driven by the fascination for technology, development, and testing, he loves to experiment and put his things onto GitHub. He is a huge fanboy of the version control system Git and loves to share his experiences, learnings, struggles, and knowledge with others by giving courses, workshops, talks, and blogging. Fascinated by the mobile app industry, he recently started his learning journey in iOS Development.
A Branching Strategy For You?
In today’s world of CI/CD pipelines where new versions of our production and test code have to be checked out at speed multiple times per day, it matters which branching strategy your team chooses.
Git is probably the most well-known and used version control system worldwide these days. In this talk, Simon is going to share some of the personal experiences he has collected over the past couple of years in using Git. He will have a look at some of today’s top most-used real-world branching strategies so afterward you will be able to compare them by yourself and choose the one which fits the most into your unique context.
To round this session up, Simon will give you some insights to questions like: Why is the master branch called master branch in Git? Why did GitHub get away from this naming convention? And, can we change the name of an already existing master branch in our project?
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