DevDays Europe 2022

Stacy Cashmore
Position: Tech Explorer DevOps
Company: Omniplan
Country: The Netherlands
Day 2 (April 28), Track 5
Stacy is Tech Explorer DevOps at Omniplan, and Microsoft MVP in Developer Technologies.
She’s been developing software since the mid-1990s and has been speaking about improving the way we develop software at conferences and meetups since 2018
As well as sparing with the software architect about technical issues, she spends her time helping the development team, and the wider company, with continuous improvement in terms of technical work, process, and, of course, working together as a team.
Outside of work she enjoys spending time with her classic car, cooking, playing the piano badly, and spending time with her family, doing amongst other things, building a Lego modular building city in their house.
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