DevDays Europe 2022

Stepan Suvorov

Position: CTO

Company: Studytube

Country: The Netherlands


CTO at Studytube, Angular Evangelist, Angular GDE, organizer of Angular Kharkiv and co-organizer of Dutch Angular Group, teacher, and co-founder Doing programming for many years. Only focused on Javascript for 11 years, and with Angular from 2012, enjoy teaching and making other developers better.


Scully Like an Alternative to Angular Universal

Thought SSR was hard? Sometimes it is. But now for some cases, there is no need to set up our servers to prerender the code, you can simply use Scully. In this talk, Stepan will tell you what Scully is, compare it with SSR, and explain what is the best case for each tool.

Session Keywords

🔑 Angular
🔑 Scully

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