DevDays Europe 2025


The goal of DevDays Europe is to bring together internationally recognized speakers and developers to encourage excellence and innovation in the software development community. At the conference we will cover the emerging technologies and best practices in the software industry – regardless of technological platform or language – without commercial hype.

Who should submit?

Submissions are invited from Developers, Software Architects, Business Intelligence Developers, Testers, DevOps, Data Scientists, Big Data or Database Professionals, Team Leads, Project Managers, Consultants and Trainers – who would like to share knowledge about the emerging technologies and best practices in the software industry or anyone with an interesting field experience in software development approaches, technologies, tools or their solutions – regardless of a technological platform or a programming language.


We look forward to receiving submissions to speak on:

  • AI & ML Integration

  • Cloud-Native Development

  • No-Code / Low-Code

  • Cybersecurity

  • Creating Augmented & Virtual Reality

  • Blockchain Development

  • Progressive Web Apps

  • IT Hiring Trends

  • Microservices Architecture

  • DevOps and Continuous Integration

  • Programming Languages

  • Cloud Computing

  • Open Source Innovation

  • Platform Engineering

  • Sustainable Software development

  • 5G Networks and Technology

Types of engagements:

You are welcome to propose one or several speaking engagements of your choice:

  • Conference Talk – a 45-minute presentation, including a Q&A session. You are free to propose several talks, if you wish.
  • Pre-Conference Workshop – a full day (6 hours) courses taught by experts on a specific topic, preferably hands-on labs and in-depth technical knowledge.
  • Panel Discussion – a 45-minute discussion space with other panelists on a trending, no-commonly-agreed DevDays world topic.

Compensation Policy

Travel and accommodation expenses are reimbursed upon request. Accepted Conference Talk speakers will receive a complementary conference registration, and an invitation to participate as a guest of honor in the next conference.

To submit your proposal, please fill out the form or contact our conference team at email

We expect cooperation from all participants to help ensure a safe environment for everybody.

Read the Code of Conduct here.